wanna know... im havin' ma' sadness week oowhh...
cuz, sa mengalami story line cam di t'v2 ni...
very upset that i've been waiting almost 1 month but everythin jus ruin out only in one day...
then tommorow, tarraaa....
mata c chin swollow hekzz...
but its ok la, sacrifes 4 da' better one... think its bebaloi la...
da psn jan nangis2 lg.. so mus dgr cz nanti kn bg cuti hekzz...
finaly finished my UAK ( Ujian Akhir Kursus)...
felt like all that stuff is pushin' ma' head for almost 2 week owhh...
nightmare its jus begin actually.. hehehe...
Exam Is around da corner loooo...
jerawat2 sedunia akan mula bergumbira utk menyerang dengan sesuka hati muka ku ini... hahaha..
deadly dry...
sa lom bca lg pn FPM ngan PKK.. hahaha..
ada hati lagi tgk movie ni.. duoiii...
thought tgk movie will give me the idea on how to answers both paper kut.. hahahaa
in ma' dream...
anythin' lae..
Gud Lucky to ol My ClassMate PISMP SCIENCE 4 the EXAM....
may luck owez with ol of u... N jawab bek2 ekkk....
P/S: Msti g sedekah gak jawapan yg tahu 2 hahaha
Gud LUCK :
aWang. Remy. Habeb. BroN. Tati. tOmOkO. asH. sUe. dOLLy. aJie. MasH. PoLo. Man. KhOlisH. eRiC. Zharif. K. suZIta. Nor. Vyan. N cHin (enterframe gak wat sesak haha)
Caiiiiyyyyoooooooo.... Science... Love u OL laa... hehe..
Thursday, May 14
xam Flu Is Everywhere.....
jUs WriTeN bY cheritaku.. at 8:04 AM 0 comments
WaT Is DaT ?: XaM letter... muxx
Saturday, May 9
S t i l l 4 M a ' M u M M y . . .
Take a cup of thoughtfulness
And add a lot of love,
Blend with smiles as warming
As the sunshine from above,
Add a cheerful spirit
And, of course, a heart that sings
And also the ability
To laugh at little things
Stir in lots of tenderness
And understanding, too
And there you have the recipe
For mothers dear as you.
jUs WriTeN bY cheritaku.. at 7:38 PM 0 comments
WaT Is DaT ?: i luv mummy . . .
M u M M y I L o V e U . . . . . M m m u u u a a a h . .
A mother who never grows old..
He made her smile of the sunshine..
And he moulded her heart of pure gold..
In her eyes he placed bright shining stars..
In her cheeks fair roses you see..
God made a wonderful mother..
he gave that dear mother to me..
jUs WriTeN bY cheritaku.. at 7:22 PM 0 comments
WaT Is DaT ?: Mother's Is Ma' Heart.....
Friday, May 8
P E n i N 2 . . . .
wat' along Tym didn't Write Any pOst....
StandarT aNSwerS :
1. MaLaS
2. MaLaS mW tULis
3. MaLas Mw TaiP
4. MaLaS Mw Pikir Ayat
5. MaLaS laaa....
hahahahaha... M***U...
Wat's HaPPen Nw'a'daYs arhh...?????
hahahaha.. (cam Org Baru Kuar Gua La plak...)
PaS SyaK sa DgR KaBaR TiDaK SeiNdaH DaRi RuPa Ku iTu TrUs PusIng2 mY hEAd OWh..
TriaL NEXT week ThEn XaM ArOuD 20!!!!! ARKKKKK...
MaNa X PuSiNg Nie, cAm xDa2 SyaK yG DisTudY 1 sEM nie... OMG!!!!
Ngan PKK sa MaSi TbYg C K**D**** L 2.. Yg Bingung arh... hehehe
CLS xTw aPa mW dBc Nie..
LP xPeRiMenT sYak dKpla hoTakku...
FPM lG Laaaa... Mw JWb TpKsa Mis Cll KPM luuu..
PaLing Kin PaNaS DeTiK2 Mw Xam Ni La MoViE BeLaMbaK D LaPtOp Ni…
Siot TahaP DeWa Tollll……
p/s : SaPa GaK ManDai p cOPy EN… haHAha… AmiKmOO cHiN… hakzz
jUs WriTeN bY cheritaku.. at 4:03 AM 0 comments
WaT Is DaT ?: pe KeS nie??