Saturday, July 11

Happy as i'am...

i'am happy...
i'am happy as i' ve see you
i'am happy because your eyes shine, can be a light to bright my heart
what a wonderful thought that i think is only left for me...
The day we met, the day that i've feel perfect...
jus wanna say I LOVE U SYG and you're my heart...

Sunday, July 5

I'am Addic' To ThiS......

21 Guns - GreenDay
Do you know what's worth fighting for
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I
When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I
Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Friday, June 26

C h e r i T e R a B e R c H e T e R a . . .

Bijak, seorang yang gembira, bergaya, cemburu, dan pandai dalam menguruskan sesuatu tanpa pertolongan.
p/s : orgnya comey, cute, puteh hehe memandai addin' cz diri brmbt lurus haha..

Kurang bijak, degil, kuat cemburu, romantik, banyak pergaulan dan susah dalam menyelesaikan masalah diri, tidak suka termenung.
p/s : Mix Blood Negro...

Bijak, ego, cemburu buta, romantik , memilih dan mudah mengamuk bila susah hendak selesaikan masalah.
p/s : tidak d sangkal lagi, NEGRO la 2 dek..

Bijak, berfikir sebelum melakukan sesuatu, berfikiran terbuka, banyak pergaulan, dan mudah memaafkan seseorang dengan kesilapan lalu.
p/s : Kak 'Ponti' bkn nma sbnr pun spesis rmbt nie..

Bijak sangat, memilih, pemaaf, manja, tegas dan cepat melakukan perkerjaan dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
p/s : org nie msti ada rmbt lurus 2 hehe..

Bijak, sentiasa berfikiran negatif pada seseorang, ego, dan pandai membuka perniagaan walaupun kecil.
p/s : telampau pikir mana mw simpan duit da yg betempayan2 2..

Kurang bijak, berfikiran terbuka, pemaaf, sosial dan bijak lari daripada masalah.
p/s : Di minati oleh spesis binatang yg ada rumah di Sepilok 2..

Bijak, degil, cemburu, romantik, kasar, banyak kawan, dan pandai mengambil hati seseorang.
p/s : bestfriend ever = kutu

Sangat bijak, berfikiran terbuka, banyak pergaulan, garang, susah hendak memaafkan seseorang, dan pandai dalam menguruskan sesuatu tanpa pertolongan.
p/s : fungsi sikat diabaikan...

Kurang bijak, suka termenung, sedikit sosial, berfikiran terbuka dan pandai selesaikan masalah diri.
p/s : agak2 la, veteren sda ba 2...

Rambut orang bru kuar saloon gak nya hahaha
p/s : xpn kna mendrem kut??
hehehe... actually sja syak mw post menatang ni wat hilag borink.. jan pla pas ni muncul pla spesis rmbt bru cz x ble trima kytaan dlm post nie, naya sa...
peratus betul statement nie tdk dpt dinyatakan then yg p/s 2 nyata2 xda dlm xplaination ek huhu...

Monday, June 22


JuS bCz I
Like 2 MaKe YoUR SmiLe...
I LiKE 2 bE a BrIght sPot
iN YoUr DaY
aNd JusT bCz I'm SendinG tHis GreeTinG all The WaYss..

Sunday, June 21

He SaiD ' SpY BeRaNi SkiT' aRKKKK.....

arkkkkk ThaT tHiNg Is SiTTinG On Ma' LaP E...

tHe MoSt SpeCiaL pREsENt tHat I' ve Had

GuESS Wat???


sBr SyaK La C kWn NiE...

PuNyA mEn ByK BiNaTaNG d DuNIa BenDa aLah NiE jUgA yG Sa Dpt...
Tp C KaTak NiE TeTap Kn JaGa GaK...
Bg BioDaTa Da SkIt :
Nama : Mr. FrOggy
Umur : XpsTi Tp JangKa HayaT Da PjG kUT Nie
TeMpaT LaHiR : SULIT!!
TeMpaT d JumPai : SomewHere In PeNang....
p/s : Da aDa GurLpRen Sda Nie... hehehe..
Pa2 Pun ThanX Gak To Ma' Mr. StRenZZ, TP Jan La Pla ada Yg ReaL lG DtG eK Sygku....

WaNt 2 kNOw WhaT DiD I've DoNE?? OrG TeTiBa WaT LaGu Nie....

Bila saatnya dalam hatiku
Mula terasa wujudnya dirimu
Cubaku benamkan tapi tak berdaya
Tak pernahku lalui ini semua

Aku tak pernah menduga
Jiwakan resah bila kau jauh dariku
Bibir ku sering membantah
Namun hatiku utuh berkata

Detik pertama kau ucap sayang
Terasa dunia turut gembira
Hati berdetak bibirku membisu
Kerna itulah yang ku tunggu…

Detik pertama kau ucap sayang
Terasa indah bagaikanku terbang
Rupanya tidak ku kesorangan
Menyimpan perasaan ini ……

Cinta ini terpendam lama
Kita sering cuba menafikannya
Namun segalanya sudah tersurat
Kita akhirnya mengalah….


1stly msti senyum dlu......
aBis sUti Gia Sda, Emmm Cm Mw TmBh Lg OwH heKZZ..
Worse ThInG EvEr Sa LanGsUng Xda UpDatE mY bLOg..
tHE ReaSon Is MALAZZZ.... ble tima gak 2 kan hahaha
KiTa SuTi, BlOG PN sUtI gaK... 3 MgU tEpERap D rMah Xpa MkN pUtE ni MKn GumBirA Mr. ChO LeS tR oL n hIS B' lOVE wIFe MdM. FattY nE bERkMbanG pESaT...
Pe2 Pon, To ol Ma' BUddy WelCum 2 nEw SeM oF PISMP... wISh LucK iS OWeZ bE wiF u oL...
gUmBiRa Cz TyM sUti Ada OrG tEMaN JaLan heheehee.. Syuuzzzzttt!!!! iTs HiM....
Du NoT 4 Get HappY Father's Day... to oL Papa, Daddy, Ayah n SO on in Da World N the Most Special to My BeloVed Daddy..... I LoVe U Daddy....

Thursday, May 14

xam Flu Is Everywhere.....

wanna know... im havin' ma' sadness week oowhh...
cuz, sa mengalami story line cam di t'v2 ni...
very upset that i've been waiting almost 1 month but everythin jus ruin out only in one day...
then tommorow, tarraaa....
mata c chin swollow hekzz...
but its ok la, sacrifes 4 da' better one... think its bebaloi la...
da psn jan nangis2 lg.. so mus dgr cz nanti kn bg cuti hekzz...

finaly finished my UAK ( Ujian Akhir Kursus)...
felt like all that stuff is pushin' ma' head for almost 2 week owhh...

nightmare its jus begin actually.. hehehe...
Exam Is around da corner loooo...
jerawat2 sedunia akan mula bergumbira utk menyerang dengan sesuka hati muka ku ini... hahaha..

deadly dry...
sa lom bca lg pn FPM ngan PKK.. hahaha..
ada hati lagi tgk movie ni.. duoiii...
thought tgk movie will give me the idea on how to answers both paper kut.. hahahaa
in ma' dream...

anythin' lae..
Gud Lucky to ol My ClassMate PISMP SCIENCE 4 the EXAM....
may luck owez with ol of u... N jawab bek2 ekkk....
P/S: Msti g sedekah gak jawapan yg tahu 2 hahaha

Gud LUCK :
aWang. Remy. Habeb. BroN. Tati. tOmOkO. asH. sUe. dOLLy. aJie. MasH. PoLo. Man. KhOlisH. eRiC. Zharif. K. suZIta. Nor. Vyan. N cHin (enterframe gak wat sesak haha)
Caiiiiyyyyoooooooo.... Science... Love u OL laa... hehe..

Saturday, May 9

S t i l l 4 M a ' M u M M y . . .

Take a cup of thoughtfulness

And add a lot of love,

Blend with smiles as warming

As the sunshine from above,

Add a cheerful spirit

And, of course, a heart that sings

And also the ability

To laugh at little things

Stir in lots of tenderness

And understanding, too

And there you have the recipe

For mothers dear as you.

M u M M y I L o V e U . . . . . M m m u u u a a a h . .

God made a wonderful mother..

A mother who never grows old..

He made her smile of the sunshine..

And he moulded her heart of pure gold..

In her eyes he placed bright shining stars..

In her cheeks fair roses you see..

God made a wonderful mother..


he gave that dear mother to me..

Friday, May 8

P E n i N 2 . . . .

wat' along Tym didn't Write Any pOst....
StandarT aNSwerS :
1. MaLaS
2. MaLaS mW tULis
3. MaLas Mw TaiP
4. MaLaS Mw Pikir Ayat
5. MaLaS laaa....

hahahahaha... M***U...

Wat's HaPPen Nw'a'daYs arhh...?????
hahahaha.. (cam Org Baru Kuar Gua La plak...)

PaS SyaK sa DgR KaBaR TiDaK SeiNdaH DaRi RuPa Ku iTu TrUs PusIng2 mY hEAd OWh..
TriaL NEXT week ThEn XaM ArOuD 20!!!!! ARKKKKK...
MaNa X PuSiNg Nie, cAm xDa2 SyaK yG DisTudY 1 sEM nie... OMG!!!!

Ngan PKK sa MaSi TbYg C K**D**** L 2.. Yg Bingung arh... hehehe
CLS xTw aPa mW dBc Nie..
LP xPeRiMenT sYak dKpla hoTakku...
FPM lG Laaaa... Mw JWb TpKsa Mis Cll KPM luuu..

PaLing Kin PaNaS DeTiK2 Mw Xam Ni La MoViE BeLaMbaK D LaPtOp Ni…

Siot TahaP DeWa Tollll……

p/s : SaPa GaK ManDai p cOPy EN… haHAha… AmiKmOO cHiN… hakzz

Monday, April 27

kalau sa ada magic.....

Think my HOPE on sumthing its just hope owh... Feeling sad N upset... REALLY UPSET... Wonder why i can't got it.. I'm too tired to wait, this Leadin' me to Say KALAU SA ADA MAGIC....!!! Sa sedey oww....

Sunday, April 26

S E E . . . .

Friday, April 24

I waNNa' . . . . .

I waNNa' be tHe gUrl he CaN be GoOFy aRounD!

I waNNa' be tHe gUrl he CaN teLL aNyThinG tO!

I waNNa' be tHe gUrl he ScaRed To Lose!

I waNNa' be tHe gUrl he CaN hOLd HanD WitH in PuBliC aNd

nOt CaRe whaT aNyOnE SaY!

I waNNa' be tHe gUrl WhO aLwaYs In hIs MinD!

MoSt Of aLL I waNNa' be tHe gUrl he LOVES!!

Tuesday, April 21

T h i s M A Y . . . .

Can wait!!

he is comin' back.........

jus think of him, almost 2 month DO not see and hoping MAY come quick..

missed him much..

everyday, everynight jus heard his voice, just see his static picture..

Tuesday, April 14

ThiNk I' Ve FoUnD HiM... Hehehe

It's 4 mY HiM..

Mr. StReNz

its 4 Mr. Strenz... Hakzz..

GoD GaVe Me
TwO LegS To WaLk
TwO EyEs To See
TwO HanDs To HoLd
TwO EaRs To HeaR
BuT wHy DiD GoD GaVe Me OnLy OnE HeaRt?
"BeCaUse GoD gAvE tHe OtHeR oNe to SoMeOnE FoR Me To FinD tHeN LoVeD"....

L i h a T k e R J a K u . . . . .

'jUs LiKe DiSaSTeR WeeK'

Da' StReeS aLL iN oNe....

HvE tO FiNisH aLL dIs' aSSiGnMeNt

HeRe's Da 'NigHt N NooN MaRe' CoMesss...

w h e N m a H a N d i S w R i T i N g . . . .

aKu iNsaN yaNg KerDiL
inGiN mENgaPai BinTanG
bERkERdIpAN dI aNgKasA
WaLau IanyA kU taHu
SesUatu YanG Tak MunGkIN
bIsA kUkECaPi
KaU IbaRaT SaNg RemBuLan
Aku HanYa PunGGuK Yang
BeRangAN TinGGi tUK' MeNDaPaTkaNmU
NaMuN Aku SeDaRi SiaPalAH aKu
UmPaMa TiTiK hUJaN JaTuH KeLauTan KasIHMu
SeKaLi Pun KuMaMpu TeRBanG
TaK KaN bIsA kU KeCaPi
LanGit NaN KeBiRuaN....

Friday, April 10

WaN' To ShaRe......

True love is when you find someone you can imagine yourself growing old with,

someone you can love even if they break your heart,

someone you can cry with, have tone of fun with, but most of all someone you love with..


WaNNa HiM...

i'am not supposed to love you
i'am not supposed to care
i'am not supposed to live my life
wishing you were there
i'am not supposed to wonder
where you are or what you do
i'am sorry, i can't help myself
cause i'am in love with you!

Thursday, April 9

The sweetest of Joys..

The loveliest of Flowers..

The melodiest of Songs..

Can't compare to the Beauty,

and Special Ness of..........





ma' 1st entry in des' side..

jus wanna to say

im da'beginner.. im da newest one..
